Eternity's Grasp

Prelude in Violet

The skies were alight with stars threatening the world. These stars had become novas in the night sky, twisted and deformed. Their very essence shrouding the world in levin energies and more was yet to come.The crops had begun to die. Water was no longer safe to drink. The earth below our feet cracked and sundered releasing a firey plasma that threatened all walking life in it's wake. Animals and people alike fell to disease, starvation, and the effects of the now static air.The world was not yet lost. Not completely. While the Queen of Alexandria had sought a way to protect her people, rescuing those she could in the wreckage of the kingdom while her researchers and knights worked tirelessly to aid the calamity. Many options arose on how to help the kingdom fend off the calamity, one of the first being from the minds of a small group of researchers, aiming to use crystals to store aether, elemental energies and prayer alike.

However, one researcher had grown greedy in her desire to save others. She wished so dearly for the salvation of her people that her fervent prayers had become twisted. The crystal catalysts that were meant to produce a means to an end of their calamity, brought on another, temporary, evil.An idol born of love and desire rose from the crystal's stored energy, but instead of saving Alexandria's people in whole, took to collecting them in shards of ice under the guise of motherly protection and adoration. Salvation in the form of an eternal suffering.The researchers and guards alike took up arms against this false idol, battling the icey fiend under the levin skies, only to be struck by a very powerful forced teleportaion spell known as flow. Many of the poor souls caught in the spell were sent adrift never to return from the lifestream. Others perished on impact, and very few managed to spill through the cracks of the lifestream towards new shards. Leaving the state of Alexandria a mystery to her beloved scientists.

The Broken Pedestal

"What happened back in Alexandria was never my intent"while Heiri herself is not a villianous character, one might compare what she has done to that of the work of a villian.Though her morals and intentions are inherently good, the end result of her actions has caused many to suffer. The weight of such actions had plagued her heart, and she now seeks a way to atone for her mistakes. In a narrative she may be described as an "anti-villian" or "atoner".

✧ Heiri is very knowledgable when it comes to aether storage and catalysts. Her time as a researcher was often used finding a way to hold and transfer aether energies. This research would later be used as the foundation for harnessing soul cells years later.✧ While most of the food present was becoming 'advanced' due to the failure of crops and livestock in the changing environment, Heiri was abhorent towards the new inovations in food. though she would often be seen with an energy drink in hand despite her denial of liking it.✧ Though her bangs hide the mark, the azure inky markings on her forehead act as a key within the research facility she resides in. granting access to certian areas upon recognition.✧ Being against the main research team's tactics to stop he oncoming calamity, Heiri and a small group had worked together using their research in aether catalysts in an attempt to find an alternative route. She is extremely defensive of the catalyst she wears around her neck in the form of a pendant.

Born and raised in Alexandria, Heiri has always had a love for mathematics and sciences. While not hyper focused on said work, she always seems to run on a tangent when something of interest arises. When she was old enough, she began her work in a small division for sciences. Her main focus being that of elemental energies and how to store and transfer them.All was well within alexandria until the calamity began to strike. It seemed as if the world around her was falling apart, and everything she came to love would be no more. When the Queen made a decree to her researchers and knights to find a way to stop this calamity, Heiri's heart leapt at the chance.She wanted so desperately to save her world, and having been given the chance, she worked tirelessly to put in place the tactics discovered during her research, tactics that in the source- one might refer to as a primal invocation. Many were not too keen on using these tactics, especially when word of otherworldly travels began to spread. But Heiri remained firm in her resolve and pushed forward in her department's efforts.

Afraid that she may ultimately fail and secure her people's death, she snuck into the lab on the day of the invocation, and prayed more fervantly than ever to succeed in their plans. Ultimately tipping he balance they had calculated for the energy of the crystals, and setting lose an icy primal that all but shared her image.The task was deemed a failure. She could only look on in fear and disappointment before a colleague snapped her out of it, leading the group in the defense against the beast while levin further sundered the sky. Though their efforts weren't enough. One by one the team was caught in Flow, and their very world ripped from their grasp. Heiri had lost her former life, and was sent hurdling towards the source some years later in the future.The Alexandria she had grown to love would change quickly in her absense as she was finally split from the lifestream and left in the fields of the Shroud within the source. Her memory stolen as a result of her forced teleportation. Now, she works to discover who she really is, and where she came from, in hopes of one day returning and living the life she was robbed of. Oblvivious to the fact that it was due to her own actions.